Monday, September 05, 2005

Day off

I'm one of the world's procrastinators! Got the day off today......guppies to catch to take into the petshop (to pay for the light I bought for the tank on Sat), check in to see if Ian left me the off camera flash, check out with the hire shop what kind of lights I can hire, go to the hall and see which lens to use......not to mention housework!! And what am I doing.........uploading to iStock and creating a new blog!!!! LOL more relaxing than housework!

Team photos to take of the local rugby teams on Wed night and I don't have the lighting equipment I need. Also haven't done this kind of shoot before so ....... am getting a bit nervous about it all. Don't know what I'd do w/out my support family at dpc.

Right ....looks like the file is finished u/loading, guppies are going to take forever to catch.....they're in the plant tank and they just go hide out behind the plants. Trying the coax and lure trick with food, I should be able to outsmart them, I mean ....have you ever seen the size of a guppies brain!

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