Saturday, January 14, 2006

Mariah Seagull

'and I ........I.........I will always love youuuuuuuu'
Shame you couldn't hear the music she was shouting at me today.


kaye said...

What a shot. I think I would have walked away instead of sticking around for a shot... he looks scary!

Karen said...

Great shot, I love pics of seagulls, there's always something interesting to be had.

Laurie L. Black said...

How funny! Love the pic. You're doing so great with your shots!!! :)

mike fairbanks said...

LMAO, I love it, didnt she used to play in "flock of seagulls?" :-)

m--e said...

LOL - Reminds of the gulls on Finding Nemo. "Mine! Mine! Mine!" Great shot!